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This Project is to design a hand drill for the brands/artist/designers that we have chosen individually. 


For me, the range of products are the MUJI and Plus Minus Appliances (Naoto Fukasawa's design). The colour white, which represent safety, purity, and cleanliness, it can also represent a successful beginning. In short, it is considered to be the colour of perfection. Next is the form of the products, it all have simple shape such as square, rectangle and circle but rather than having sharp corners it has a round curved surface. Which matches really well with the colour that represent safety. The surface texture, which is smooth and most have has a matte-finished surface instead of a shiny surface to it. It has a sense of balance since it is symmetrical when you view from the top of the products. The proportion of the design is also right. You can also really see the unity when the MUJI Appliances are place together. Thus, there are colours, surface texture, form, balance and unity shown on it.

Mood Board


15 sketches, 10 concepts to perspective view drawings, 3 were chosen to the finals

Final design,Refinements,Dimensions




Learning Point

This project allowed me to see a clearer view to the wide working world. When we work in a company learning their design style and language is important since we have to design a product which will suit or fit in with its brand.

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