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This Project focuses on the balance of proportion, the relationships between elements, “Dominate, Sub Dominate and Subordinate”.
I also researched on sound boxs,  which electricity is not require for it in order  to function, so there is also no need to plug in or charge this speaker to amplify our phone’s volume. It functions when the sound travels smoothly through a hollowed chamber which works similar to placing a phone into a bowl or a cup to increase the volume and to help it resonate. 


After completing all 12 perspective sketches, I realized that only about 2 to 3 of my design were able to tell which is the dominant, subdominant and subordinate. The rest did not portray the subdominant or the subordinate well. This could be due to me getting too caught up in trying to get my designs as similar to their side view in the sketches that I forgot the important part, which was the relationships between elements “Dominate, Sub Dominate and Subordinate”. Hence, in the end I needed to refine on the design that I chose for my sound box.


Learning Point

Not only did I learned about balance of proportion, the relationships between elements, “Dominate, Sub Dominate and Subordinate” but also that I should look at all angles instead of one side. As I was only focus on drawing the perspective view base on the 2D sketch(one side)

I also understand how sound box worked and improved on my workmanship. 

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