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It was a project the is link to SingaPlural – An Unnatural Phenomena. Where we have to make a product with metal and glass (Cellini and Synergraphic)

We design something unique either by using a material on something that was never made with that material before or design to emphasize the properties only that material have.

For my group we decided to design based on the theme serene


When I thought of relaxation, first thought was music, second was water fountain. As the sound of water is really relaxing 

So I choose to design base on the sound effects which only glass or metal could produce. 

Wind chimes and bamboo Deer scarer fountain are my inspiration. 

As the name suggested bamboo fountain, it is usually made of bamboo but I decided to used metal and glass instead.


It has a similar concept to bamboo Deer scarer fountain. However, the sound produced will be the sound of glass and metal.

As you can see i design the fountain in a way when you look from the top view you can see yin and yang shape. As the shape represent balance and serene
I design the base to be clear so the user can see through. Which make the flooring part of the design as well.

The colour in green are coloured glass while the metal stayed the same
The colour blue are coloured metal while the glass stayed transparent
The photos on the bottom row are the side view and environment render


I switch the material used except the base because I designed to hide the water pump inside the water tunnel. So if it is transparent, people will be able to see it. By switching the materials, it will be hidden​.

Detail View/ Environment Render

Mini Prototype

Learning Point

This project empowered me with better understanding of upcycling. Creative reuse,  transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality and environmental value, which can really benefit designers, craft mans and consumers, without wasting new resources. ​Additionally, I improved on my drawing skills and gained a bit of craftsmanship as well.

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